
Based on the extensive training experience, the Anti Terror Academy has created an own SF-UCS for training in which the principles of real combat drills are anchored. These procedures differ from the sports shooting habits, which are unfortunately massively extended also within the scope of the service training of state units.
The Special Force Ultimate Combat System (SF-UCS) is a complete training programme for the operators of special forces and members of the state armed forces.
Special forces ultimate combat system
The SF-UCS guarantees the long-term development of a fighter and the development of natural instincts in combination with the tactical procedures.
The SF-UCS is a programme, which in case of correct observance of training procedures guarantee high efficiency, professionalism and extra-standard readiness of the members of the special forces. Improvement of physical condition, psychic resistance, strengthening of real self-confidence, acquisition of shooting assurance, explosiveness and control of the situation after physical stress is an integral part of the entire training programme, which shapes the fighter to perfection.

Ascertain something about the history, establishment and success of the Anti Terror Academy.
Contact details of the Anti-terror Academy, including the company address, telephone number and contact form.
Special forces ultimate combat system challenge
SF-UCS Challenge je měřitelná část uceleného výcvikového systému, která představuje vrcholné dovednosti při záchraně rukojmích. Pro operátory speciálních jednotek je to „olympijská“ disciplína, která odhaluje kvality a úroveň připravenosti jednotlivých bojovníků.