Close protection training
Comprehensive training programme for professionals who provide bodyguard services. Close protection includes a huge array of knowledge and skills, which we divide into several categories in terms of service categories. Hidden, open, HECPO, protocol or diplomatic part of protection.
- Bodyguard
- Laws and legal standards
- Bodyguard psychology (profiling of the attacker, body language, physiognomy)
- Ethics and treatment of VIPs
- Bodyguard ethics protocol
- Bodyguard’s equipment
- Assessment and evaluation of risks
- Intelligence information and information team
- Planning of bodyguard operations – field reconnaissance
- Evaluation of the operation
- Selection of suitable equipment
- Transfers and motorcade driving
- Client protection methods (pair, team)
- Use of special equipment – jamming, scanning, X-ray devices
- Bodyguard’s tactical shooting (individual, pair, team)
- Bodyguard’s training under stress – crisis simulation
- Model training of personal protection in the city and in the field
- Model training – real action
- elf-defence – disarming, elimination of the attacker
- Tactical protection procedures in crisis areas and war conflicts
- Blocking of the attachers’ vehicles – crowding out
- Penetration of roadblocks/barriers with a vehicle
- Pyrotechnical inspections – detection and elimination of traps